K.R.C. LogoThe Book of Kara

Weekend updates

Published 18 June 2007

Hi! You've stumbled upon a blog post by a guy named Ryan. I'm not that guy anymore, but I've left his posts around because cool URIs don't change and to remind me how much I've learned and grown over time.

Ryan was a well-meaning but naïve and priviledged person. His views don't necessarily represent the views of anyone.

Just a quick note.

I threw up a test case for an ActionScript 3 Component Wmode bug.

Apparently [ninjas don't like Windows Vista][vista].

When I write for The Book I always try to include the title of the target Web page in a link--either in the link text or its title. I also do this when citing a Web site for a paper. No current Web browser provides simple access to this property, however, so I wrote this to make it easier. Simply bookmark the following code or drag this link to your bookmarks bar.


[vista]: http://askaninja.com/omnitrois "Ask A Ninja, Question 45 "Omnitrois" | Ask A Ninja"

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