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Ironman 70.3 Morro Bay (2023)

Raced 20 May 2023

swim 1.2mi / bike 56mi / run 13.1mi - 6:48:30 - Official Results

Amazing, gorgeous race, where the water wasn’t as cold as I feared. The murky swim flew by. The hilly bike up the One to San Simeon was smooth if a bit drizzly, and I hit almost 40mph on one of this hills! The sun came out for the run through town, but I was well trained and better fueled, and my amazing team was there at the finish to cheer for me. I’m doubly grateful to the members of my team who joined me in the open division.

I entered this race with a huge chip on my shoulder and pretty rough month before. And I crushed it. I outperformed all of my targets and beat my last 70.3 time. Couldn't ask for more. Well, except to be recognized for who I am, maybe. But other than that, it was incredible.

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