K.R.C. LogoThe Book of Kara

Ironman 70.3 Indian Wells (2023)

Raced 3 December 2023

swim 1.2mi / bike 56mi / run 13.1mi - 6:01:35 - Official Results

I had no intention of doing this race.

I was angry with Ironman for disqualifying me, burned out from a long season, and generally ready to be done. But a few things happened that changed my mind.

I met a training partner that pushed me and kept me training beyond my season goals. I attended an amazing South Bay Squad training camp that invigorated me. And when I put the race into Tridot, the robots estimated I would finish almost an hour faster than last year.

That did it.

The race conditions were as perfect as they could be, and I pushed hard, a few heartbeats away from my six-hour goal. I was elated at the performance.

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