K.R.C. LogoThe Book of Kara

Experiments with Cancelling Javascript Events

Published 1 September 2006

Hi! You've stumbled upon a blog post by a guy named Ryan. I'm not that guy anymore, but I've left his posts around because cool URIs don't change and to remind me how much I've learned and grown over time.

Ryan was a well-meaning but naïve and priviledged person. His views don't necessarily represent the views of anyone.

JavaScript suddenly feels like the new CSS. Inspired by my new book co-written by one of my web design idols as well as the work I’ve been doing for one of our clients, I decided to run some quick tests on canceling events with JavaScript, as it is one part of the language that hasn’t received very much documentation, even on Quirksmode.

These are the first tests I’ve ever run, so I would appreciate any comments on their methodology. I may fiddle with this page as it matures, so stay tuned.

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